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Facial Massage

Holistic Facialist. What does that mean exactly?


Simply put, I view skin care and skin treatments as whole mind body & Soul Care. What reflects on the skin can be caused by a variety of internal and external factors, such as a compromised GUT microbiome, stagnate fluid build up, that causes tension, unprocessed emotions that can become stuck in the organs & tissue in the body that then show up on our faces showing premature ageing. gravitated skin, acne, rosacea & pigmentation and I approach skin care with all of that in mind.  To address skin concerns holistically is not only to apply a topical cream or serum but also to treat the internal system by nourishing the organs and moving Qi energy. This is where Sculptural Facelift, Facial  Gua Sha, Facial Cupping  Breathwork and Facial Reflexology come in. Working with (TCM) Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic modalities & the medicine of Breathwork we awaken the body's natural ability to heal itself in the parasympathetic. Skin being the nervous system inside out needs touch & energetic therapies to bring whole self & facial rejuvenation.

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Your carbon footprint matters to us!

Here at Natural Wellness & Beauty we go the important extra mile by ensuring we use bio degradable materials, reuse what is not and ensure your beauty and skin treatments do not harm our one big beautiful planet and that your carbon footprint is a little lighter when shopping with us. 


Thank you for choosing Natural Wellness & Beauty.



Not Medical Advice: The information contained in Natural Wellness & Beauty clinic, website, blogs, social media, programs, services or products is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment that can be provided by your physician or any other health care professional. We are not medical health practitioners and we are not holding ourselves out to be in any capacity. 


Consult Your Physician or Health Care Provider: Our intent is NOT to replace any relationship that exists between you and your medical doctor or other health care professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health situation. We advise you to speak with your own physician before implementing any suggestions from our website, blog, emails, social media including but not limited to: before taking any herbal, Ayurvedic or homeopathic supplement; engaging in an elimination diet, detox or cleanse; performing deep breathing exercises; or participating in any other aspect of food, diet, exercise or lifestyle program. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional medical advice because of information you have read on our website, blog, email and social media pages or from us directly. 


Not all products are evaluated by the FDA: The information contained on our website, blog, emails, social media pages have not all been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or to be considered medical or psychological advice. 


Personal Responsibility: We aim to accurately represent the information provided by our website, blog, email, social media pages, services and products. You are acknowledging that you are participating voluntarily in using our website, blog, emails, social media pages, programs, services and products and you alone are solely and personally responsible for the results. You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health, life and wellbeing. 


Our role is to support and assist you in reaching your goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow through. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will pertain a particular result and you understand that results differ by each individual. 


Assumption of Risk: There are sometimes unknown individual risks and circumstances that can arise during use of our services and/or products that can influence or reduce results. We are not responsible for your personal actions or choices before, during or after any of our services, programs and/or products. You understand that any use of any product, recipe, suggestion or recommendation is at your own risk, with no liability on our part. You accept full responsibility for your use or non use of any information provided by us through any means whatsoever. 

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