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Sculptural Facelift 

Face Massage
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Revolution in the world of aesthetic and beauty. The most effective face lifting technique.


Working from inside and outside gives us the unique possibility to work on muscles the whole way, both sides and restore the lost tonus of mimic muscles and strengthen them. At the same time, we relax muscles and help the face get the symmetry and the beauty features back.

In sculptural Face Lifting, we use osteopathic elements - we affect the skull bones and sutures. By working on skull sutures and reaching the effect of release we improve the skull breathing. The skull breathing normalises the whole human bodywork and improves the bones movement.

“The beauty of that moment- intraoral part of Sculptural Face Lifting...
The significant feature of my technique is that it helps us to make the face look younger, skin tighter, and feel as if you have been in a gym…
It wouldn't be possible to achieve noticeable results just by an external face technique.
Only working with the facial muscles from inside and outside can give this great result: Facial muscle tone. Smoothing wrinkles. Lymphatic drainage. Emotional release, that is the most important here ...
Intense but rewarding rejuvenation method!”

- Yakov Gershkovich -


Sculptural Facelifting boosts the internal resources of the body for natural rejuvenation & recovery


It improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, increases the microcirculation in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, normalises cellular respiration, activates metabolism and tissue nourishment. Additionally to tightening and strengthening of the face, the procedure normalizes the client's psycho-emotional state including the chronic fatigue syndrome. The inner blocks and clamps are removed, stress and anxiety melt away.


The Secret

The secret of the effectiveness of Sculptural Face Lifting is in focusing the energy and attention on the certain movement going deeper to the muscles releasing the emotional block transforming the person’s inner state and physical appearance.



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Contact Us

Tel: 0423 306 751

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